Valu Ford and Chrysler

Apr 10, 2024

Cruising in your Ford should feel safe, no matter if it’s in broad daylight or the middle of the night. That’s where your headlights come into play, lighting the way and making sure others can spot you too. But just like every part of your ride, headlights don’t last forever. Time for new headlights? The best thing to do is head to your Ford dealership.

Signs You Need New Headlights: Reduced Brightness

Notice your headlights aren’t lighting up the road like they used to? If things seem a bit dimmer at night or in bad weather, it’s a heads-up your headlights might be losing their edge.

The Blinking Game

Headlights that flicker on and off are annoying, but worse than that, they’re a sign that something isn’t quite right. It could be the bulb waving goodbye or an electrical hiccup, but either way, it’s something to get checked out pronto.

One Side’s Doing Its Own Thing

If one headlight seems to be doing its best while the other’s barely there, your depth perception and visibility take a hit. It’s a sign to get both checked to make sure they’re evenly matched. If one bulb has already died, get them both replaced right away.

Visible Cracks or Damage

A crack or any damage on the headlight lens isn’t just a cosmetic issue. It can mess with your light output and let in moisture, leading to bigger headaches down the road.

Waterlogged Lights

Seeing moisture or condensation inside your headlight assembly is bad news. It means the seal might be broken, leading to potential short circuits or bulb issues.

Changes in Light Color

The lenses covering your headlights can become yellow or cloudy from age. Anything from UV light exposure to wear from ​road debris can cause these ​covers to let out less light than they should. ​Thoroughly cleaning your headlights can sometimes improve this problem, ​but other times a full replacement is necessary. Other times, yellow or pinkish lights could just be a sign that you need new bulbs. Your Ford dealership can help you determine the issue.

High Beams Only

If your headlights only work when you hit the high beams, you need to get them looked at right away. This could mean that your low bulbs have burned out, or it could point to another electrical problem.

They’re Just Plain Old

Headlights age, just like the rest of your car. If they’re several years old and starting to show any of these signs, a fresh set might just be due.

Your headlights play a huge role in keeping your drives safe and enjoyable, cutting through the night and making sure you’re seen. When it’s time to replace them, call Valu Ford and Chrysler in Morris, MN to schedule your service.